Meditation is a moment of introspection to connect with your Higher Self.
I AM what I think
I AM what I feel
I AM what I do
As we are evolving as humans, we have been coming out of the auto-pilot mode and realizing that there is something missing in our lives. The killing-unfulfilling routine cannot be ignored.
We no longer want to just let life pass us by, thinking that everything is solved with material gains or that the answers are on the outside of us. Blaming people and situations, yearning for approval and recognition, leaving in fear, pain (physical &/or emotional), anger.
We are learning and noticing the importance of the power of our thoughts, to be aware and present.
Meditation is not a religious practice. It is a self-care practice!
By meditating we organize the mental vibration. We learn to identify a shadow, and change its frequency. We experience what is inside, meet who you really are knowing your thoughts and your feelings. Does that bring you fear and anxiety? Why? Who are you afraid to meet?
There is nothing to control. Control means to restrain, to suppress.
There is nothing to "let go" of. You bring consciousness to what is inside through breathing, you process the experience, you accept it and feel at peace with it, you are thankful for it, and so it goes.
There is nothing to avoid. What resists, persists.
I meditation classes, you are given tools to deal with daily issues, family/work dynamics, you come to the understanding that you have choices, you manifest your vibration in your words and actions.
Below is a Few Types of Meditation offered:
* The 5 Elements:
Earth - Mother Earth; Concrete/Primal; Solid Foundations; Skeletal System; Crystals
Water - Grandma Moon; Emotions; Nurturing; Creativity; Circulatory System; Plants
Fire - Grandpa Sun; Creation; Transformation; Motivation; Digestive System; Animals
Air - Father Sky; Consciousness; Vibration; Respiratory System; Humans
Ether - Space; The essence of emptiness; Angels
This guided meditation teaches you about the 5 Elements, how they are present in our lives, how to feel their influences, and how to benefit from their energies.
* Bijas:
These are sounds that create a vibration in the body and in the mind. The frequency of each Bija, one for each Chakra, promotes energetic cleansing of the Chakras, harmonizing and balancing them.
It helps to unwind busy scattered thoughts, bringing you to center and resetting your vibrations.
OM - Crown
SHAM - Third Eye
HAM - Throat
YAM - Heart
RAM - Solar Plexus
VAM - Sacral
LAM - Root
This guided meditation teaches you how to use the Bijas going from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra, repeating the sounds for a few minutes each.
* Mudras:
Mudra in Sanskrit means "sealing energy". They are hand positions that amplify energy; these gestures use the energy on the fingers and on the hand as antennas, symbolizing feelings and thoughts. You hold your fingers in the Mudra position during the meditation and use your breathe with the intention of channeling that frequency to balance and heal the feeling or thought, or to bring more positive vibrations.
* Chanting:
Singing or intoning a word or sentence of high frequency repeatedly. It helps to settle the busy mind, at the same time you are sending hight vibrations to yourself, to your surroundings and to the world. The use of malas and other tools to count are recommended.
* Essential Oils:
Essential Oils are connected to our frequencies through our water, our vital fluid, the essence of our body that carries our energy through the blood. The smell of an essential oil triggers our Limbic System allowing the property of the oil to work on several issues we might be going through. Our Limbic System controls our heart rate, our blood pressure, and other functions.
The oils can be applied on the skin, or breathing the smell from a diffuser while in meditation.
I have created the Chakra Kit for meditation. With the same principal of the Chakra Aroma treatment, each Chakra blend has two oils. In meditation practice, they are applied on the hand and fingers according to the location of each Chakra. The Chakra Kit is available for purchase.
* Crystals:
Crystals carry the frequency of their elements. Some are denser, like the darker color crystals; they can be used to absorb lower energies and for protection. Some are more angelical and cleansing, like the lighter color crystals; used to raise vibrations.
We connect with the minerals in the Crystals because we have minerals in us. Our bones, teeth, the salt in our tears, nerve conduction, immunity, muscle contraction, and more.
In this guided meditation, we use the Crystals on the Chakra points, we can surround ourselves with Crystals for healing, we can hold the Crystals or place them in areas of the body where we want to shift the energy.
Check on the right tab to see some of the Crystals that can be used to balance each Chakra.
* Color:
Color is perceived when the Sun rays (energy) hits water (prism) and creates the color spectrum.
Color is frequency reflected on objects, captured by our eyes, giving us the sense of color. We are all familiar with the color spectrum from the rainbows and prisms. Color has meaning, wavelength, frequency and photon energy (energy that can be photographed).
In this guided meditation we embark on a journey to feel in our hearts or see in our mind's eyes the color of each Chakra, its energies, and the healing properties of each frequency.
Check on the right tab to see the Colors that can be used to balance each Chakra.
* Singing Bowl:
It is an inverted bell in the shape of a bowl. It creates a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of an ill and out of balanced parts of the body, mind & soul. Breathing while listening to the singing bowl frequency can be healing, calming, and restorative.
The 7 musical notes of the Singing Bowls and the Chakras:
B - Crown
A - Third Eye
G - Throat
F - Heart
E - Solar Plexus
D - Sacral
C - Root
* Inspirational Meditation:
- Chakras Affirmation - Shamanic drums
- Ho'Oponopono - I AM
- Saint Germain - Reiki meditation
- Bagavagita - Ganesha
- The Hemisphere Balancing meditation - Self Discovery