Violet Light - Self Growth Practice
*Reiki*Chromotherapy*Aromatherapy*Meditation*Numerology*Psionic Reading*

Reiki - What It Is & Its Benefits

Reiki is a gentle form of body work, that holistically addresses several issues concerning the body, the mind, and the soul by balancing the Chakras. Reiki is also used together with traditional medicine to increase healing.

"REI" means Universal Wisdom

"KI" means Life Force Energy

It is normal for our energy to be depleted throughout the day or for long periods of time, for many different reasons. We use energy to live, to work, to interact with other people, to exercise, to think, to feel... Our Chakras become out of balance either being over active - holding too much energy; or underactive - with blockages.

When we don't process feelings, consequently we don't process thought; it's hard to remember, to think, to function, to focus, it's hard to sleep...our physical body may have to send signals that will translate into illness, or conditions so we start paying attention to what has been going on for a while! Physical signs can be loss of appetite, apathy, constantly sick, high stress levels, change in heart rate, change in blood pressure, aches and pain. Emotional signs of unbalance can manifest as depression,  anxiety, anger, fear, emotional numbness (not allowing ourselves to feel and deal with our emotions).

Experts estimate that about 90% of diseases are stress-related, not genetics. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress.

Reiki is an effective tool for creating a more balanced life, which translates into:

  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration and memory.
  • Happiness.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Helps treat PTSD.
  • Find a more permanent way to deal with weight gain or addictions
  • Supports feelings of sadness/grief.

Reiki can also help specifically to address a number of health concerns:

  • Alleviates aches and pains and improves range of motion.
  • Assists with procedures such as surgery and shortens recovery time.
  • Eases medication dependency.
  • Enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body's natural defense system.
  • Self-knowledge.
  • Stimulates creativity, optimism, physical energy, inner peace.
  • Eases muscle tensions.
  • Supports healing of Postpartum Depression
  • Improves the condition of the organs.
  • Restores energy balance and vitality, relieving physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress.
  • Lessens depression and anxiety.
  • Allows oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
  • Adapts to your individual needs.
  • Reduces spasms and cramping.
  • Relaxes and softens injured, tired, and overused muscles.
  • Helps to calm the mind.
  • Offers emotional support after car accident; PTSD; domestic abuse.


Reiki can be performed in many ways:

* Placing the hands on the Chakra points is the most common way. 
* Using Gemstones and Colors that are in the same frequency of each Chakras. 
* Incorporating other techniques such as Aromatherapy makes it an incredible combination!


I offer 3 different modalities:

This is the traditional form of Reiki, where Reiki is received through the hands of the practitioner when placed in on the Chakras to unblock energy. The main 7 Chakras and some minor Chakras are the ones to receive Reiki, but the energy covers the entire physical body, the Aura, and the subtle bodies.

Reiki with Gemstones is a combination of  Reiki Natural Healing System and specific gemstones that are personally connected to you or stones that are aligned with the energy of each Chakra. Reiki will be received from the hands of the practitioner while the stones are placed on top of each Chakra enhancing the energy flow.

Reiki with Color is a combination of Reiki Natural Healing System and the use of The ChromoPen, a chromatic tool with a clear crystal that projects color onto each major Chakra point.